

1 Additional charge of the post of Chairman, CWC30/09/2024
2 ORDER-Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) officers for promotion to the Senior Administrative Grade (SAG).23/08/2024
3 OFFICE ORDER- transfer/posting in respect of the following SAG level officers of CWES23/08/2024
4 NFU Order JAG to SAG03/07/2024
5 Following officers, presently in the grade of Assistant Director-II, on promotion, to the grade of Assistant Director/Assistant Executive Engineer (Group ‘A’ in Level-10 of the Pay Matrix) in Junior Time Scale (JTS) of the Central Water Engineering (Group A) Service on regular basis for the vacancy year 2024.25/06/2024
6 Following Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) officers of Central Water Engineering (Group 'A') Service are granted 'Non-functional Up-gradation' in the Level 15 of Pay Matrix [Rs.182200/- - 224100/-].17/05/2024
7 Promotion to JAG in CWES (Group 'A') for the year 202427/12/2023
8 Office Order - Shri Anil Jain, Chief Engineer, CWC to the post of Chairman, National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA), under this Department, in Level-15 of the Pay Matrix, on deputation basis.12/12/2023
9 Office Order regarding Central Water Engineering (Group ‘A’) Service officers, for their coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 (now 2021), in place of National Pension System.30/11/2023
10 Order for the promotion of AD-II to AD/AEE for the Vacancy year 2016-17 to 2023.25/09/2023
11 Transfer/Posting in respect of CWES Officers.28/04/2023
12 ORDER- Promotion to HAG level of CWES for the year 2023.28/04/2023
13 Order - Promotion to JAG to SAG of CWES for the year 2023.28/04/2023
14 Promotion ORDER01/03/2023
15 ORDER- Promotion to HAG level of CWES for the year 2023-ISSUE of Promotion Order.31/01/2023
16 Office Order31/01/2023
17 OFFICE ORDER-Additional Charge of Member (WP&P), CWC to Shri P M Scott, Member (RM), CWC-reg 03/01/2023
18 ORDER of promotion of Shri K. Vohra as Chairman, CWC. 28/12/2022
19 ORDER Promotion to JAG CWES for VY 2023.28/12/2022
20 ORDER Promotion from AD to DD. 28/12/2022
21 Order for promotion to SAG in 2022. 06/12/2022
22 Transfer order of Shri Navin Kumar is posted as Member(D&R) in the CWC(HQ).06/12/2022
23 Transfer/posting in respect of the SAG level officers of CWES.06/12/2022
24 Promotion order in respect of Chairman CWC .29/11/2022
25 Promotion order in respect of Shri R.K.Kanodia, a JAG Level Officer of Central Water Engineering (Group 'A') Service to the post of SAG Level of the Central Water Engineering(Group 'A') Service on regular Service.28/09/2022
26 NFSG order of STS officers of the CWES for the year 202229/07/2022
27 Probation Clearance and Confirmation order of JTS officer of CWES. 27/07/2022
28 Promotion order in respect of JTS Officers of CWES cadre to the post of STS (Deputy Director).29/12/2021
29 Promotion order to the post of Chairman, CWC on regular basis. 29/12/2021
30 Filling up the post of Storekeeper at HOC, CWC, Guwahati under the office of B&BBO, CWC, Shillong on deputation/absorption basis-regarding 30/06/2021
31 Posting of Sh. Kushvinder Vohra as Member(WP&P), CWC28/12/2020
32 Appointment of Sh. S.K. Haldar as Chairman, Central Water Commission28/12/2020
33 Corrigendum for Reference: Order No.38/2/2004-EI dated 20.06.201728/06/2018
34 01(one) official file of Central Water Commission bearing file No. A-41011/2/2015-Estt.VII for Outsourcing the service of 240 personnel DEO/Stenogrpaher for field offices of CWC is not traceable.06/09/2017
35 Office order reg. posting of Sh. Aditya Sharma, a Junior Administrative Grade Officer of CWES as Director in National Water Academy, Pune.30/06/2017
36 Office order reg. Cadre Structure in respect of Hydromet Staff in CWC.20/06/2017
37 Minutes of the 37th Sub-Committee Meeting of the Departmental Council of Ministry of Water Resources, RD & GR held on 03.12.2015 - reg.02/06/2017
38 Office order reg. appointment of Senior Administrative Grade officers of CWES to the Higher Administrative Grade26/04/2017
39 Office order reg. Non Functional Up-gradation to the Junior Administrative Grade officers of CWES in Senior Administrative Grade18/04/2017
40 Office order reg. promotion of Junior Time Scale officers of CWES to Senior Time Scale13/04/2017


OM/Office Order

1 Additional charge of the post of Chairman, CWC30/09/2024
2 ORDER-Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) officers for promotion to the Senior Administrative Grade (SAG).23/08/2024
3 OFFICE ORDER- transfer/posting in respect of the following SAG level officers of CWES23/08/2024
4 NFU Order JAG to SAG03/07/2024
5 Following officers, presently in the grade of Assistant Director-II, on promotion, to the grade of Assistant Director/Assistant Executive Engineer (Group ‘A’ in Level-10 of the Pay Matrix) in Junior Time Scale (JTS) of the Central Water Engineering (Group A) Service on regular basis for the vacancy year 2024.25/06/2024
6 Following Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) officers of Central Water Engineering (Group 'A') Service are granted 'Non-functional Up-gradation' in the Level 15 of Pay Matrix [Rs.182200/- - 224100/-].17/05/2024
7 Office Order - Shri Anil Jain, Chief Engineer, CWC to the post of Chairman, National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA), under this Department, in Level-15 of the Pay Matrix, on deputation basis.12/12/2023
8 Office Order regarding Central Water Engineering (Group ‘A’) Service officers, for their coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 (now 2021), in place of National Pension System.30/11/2023
9 Order for the promotion of AD-II to AD/AEE for the Vacancy year 2016-17 to 2023.25/09/2023
10 Transfer/Posting in respect of CWES Officers.28/04/2023
11 ORDER- Promotion to HAG level of CWES for the year 2023.28/04/2023
12 Order - Promotion to JAG to SAG of CWES for the year 2023.28/04/2023
13 Promotion ORDER01/03/2023
14 ORDER- Promotion to HAG level of CWES for the year 2023-ISSUE of Promotion Order.31/01/2023
15 Office Order31/01/2023
16 OFFICE ORDER-Additional Charge of Member (WP&P), CWC to Shri P M Scott, Member (RM), CWC-reg 03/01/2023
17 ORDER of promotion of Shri K. Vohra as Chairman, CWC. 28/12/2022
18 ORDER Promotion to JAG CWES for VY 2023.28/12/2022
19 ORDER Promotion from AD to DD. 28/12/2022
20 Order for promotion to SAG in 2022. 06/12/2022
21 Transfer order of Shri Navin Kumar is posted as Member(D&R) in the CWC(HQ).06/12/2022
22 Transfer/posting in respect of the SAG level officers of CWES.06/12/2022
23 Promotion order in respect of Chairman CWC .29/11/2022
24 Promotion order in respect of Shri R.K.Kanodia, a JAG Level Officer of Central Water Engineering (Group 'A') Service to the post of SAG Level of the Central Water Engineering(Group 'A') Service on regular Service.28/09/2022
25 NFSG order of STS officers of the CWES for the year 202229/07/2022
26 Probation Clearance and Confirmation order of JTS officer of CWES. 27/07/2022
27 Promotion order in respect of JTS Officers of CWES cadre to the post of STS (Deputy Director).29/12/2021
28 Promotion order to the post of Chairman, CWC on regular basis. 29/12/2021
29 Filling up the post of Storekeeper at HOC, CWC, Guwahati under the office of B&BBO, CWC, Shillong on deputation/absorption basis-regarding 30/06/2021
30 Posting of Sh. Kushvinder Vohra as Member(WP&P), CWC28/12/2020
31 Appointment of Sh. S.K. Haldar as Chairman, Central Water Commission28/12/2020
32 Office order reg. posting of Sh. Aditya Sharma, a Junior Administrative Grade Officer of CWES as Director in National Water Academy, Pune.30/06/2017
33 Office order reg. Cadre Structure in respect of Hydromet Staff in CWC.20/06/2017
34 Minutes of the 37th Sub-Committee Meeting of the Departmental Council of Ministry of Water Resources, RD & GR held on 03.12.2015 - reg.02/06/2017
35 Office order reg. appointment of Senior Administrative Grade officers of CWES to the Higher Administrative Grade26/04/2017
36 Office order reg. Non Functional Up-gradation to the Junior Administrative Grade officers of CWES in Senior Administrative Grade18/04/2017
37 Office order reg. promotion of Junior Time Scale officers of CWES to Senior Time Scale13/04/2017

