Ground Water Establishment


1 In-situ promotion to the grade of Scientist 'C' in CGWB.12/01/2024
2 Extension of Additional Charge of the post of Project Director, Atal Bhujal Yojna (ATAL JAL), Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) is entrusted to Shri Pratul Saxena, Regional Director, CGWB for further 6 months w.e.f. 01.08.2023.16/10/2023
3 Appointment of Chairman Central Ground Water Board (CGWB).22/09/2023
4 Additional Charge to the post of Chairman CGWB.31/08/2023
5 Appointment of Shri M.S. Rathore to the post of Regional Director (Engineering) in CGWB.27/07/2023
6 Current charge of the post of Chairman, Central Ground Water Board, to Shri A.K. Agrawal, Member (Scientific), CGWB w.e.f. 01.07.2023.30/06/2023
7 Promotion Order in the grade of Regional Director (Scientific) in the Central Ground Water Board.27/06/2023
8 Extension of Additional Charge to the post of Project Director Atal Bhujal Yojana in respect of Shri Pratul Saxena 10/05/2023
9 Filling up 01 (one) post of Library and Information Officer, in Level-11 (Rs. 67700-208700) of Pay Matrix, by deputation basis (including short term contract) in the Central Ground Water Board under the Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti -regarding.09/05/2023
10 Promotion Order of Shri Satish Kumar, Regional Director (Engineering) to the post of Member (Engineering), CGWB02/03/2023
11 Promotion Order to the post of Regional Director (Scientific), CGWB.31/12/2022
12 Promotion Order from Assistant Geophysicists to Scientist 'B' (Geophysics), CGWB.30/12/2022
13 Promotion Order from Assistant Hydrometeorology to Scientist 'B' (Hydrometeorology) ,CGWB.30/12/2022
14 In-situ Promotion from Scientist 'B' to Scientist 'C' i.r.o 59 Scientific Officers in the CGWB.30/12/2022
15 Promotion Order Shri. P.S. Meena, Chief Draftsman, (Group 'B' post) as Artist.01/12/2022
16 Filling up of 01 post of Chairman in Level-15 of pay Matrix (Rs. 1,82,200 - 2,24,100 as per 7th CPC) (pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 67000 -79000/- as per 6th CPC) by deputation (including short-term contract) in the Central Ground Water Board, a subordinate Organisation under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation -regarding.07/11/2022
17 Promotion order i.r.o. Dr. Anadi Gayen as Regional Director(Scientific)23/09/2022
18 Promotion order in respect of 93 officers from Scientist 'B' to Scientist 'C' - reg.21/09/2022
19 Extension of additional charge of the post of Project Director, Atal Bhujal Yojana, CGWB to Shri Pratul Saxena, Regional Director, CGWB.25/08/2022
20 Appointment to the post of regional Director (Scientific) in CGWB in level 13 of pay Matrix as per 7th CPC ,in respect of Shri. G. Krishnamurthy and Shri Nalli Jyothi kumar 05/08/2022
21 in-situ promotion of Scientist C to Scientist D under FCS in the CGWB26/07/2022
22 Appointment of the following Group ‘A’ Scientific officers as Regional Director (Scientific) (Group ‘A’ post) in the Central Ground Water Board in Level -13 of Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC (pre-revised pay scale of PB-4, Rs.37400-67000/- + Grade Pay of Rs.8700/-) for the panel year 2022.08/07/2022
23 Extension of service of Sh. Sunil Kumar, Chairman, CGWB01/07/2022
24 Appointment of Sh. A.P. Singh, Sh. D.C. Tadvi, Sh. Chandrabhan Singh as Superintending Engineer in Level-12 in CGWB28/06/2022
25 Filling up one post of System Analyst in Level-10 of pay matrix (Rs.56,100-1,77,500/- as per 7th CPC) (pre-revised scale of pay in PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100/- + GP Rs. 5400/- on deputation (including short term contract) in the Central Ground Water Board under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, DoWR, RD & GR - regarding.08/06/2022
26 Promotion in respect of Sh. A.K. Aggarwal to the post of Member scientific in CGWB in level-14 of Pay matrix 03/06/2022
27 Publishing advertisement for filling up 03 (three) posts of Member(Scientific) in Level-14 (Rs.1,44,200 – 2,18,200 as per 7th CPC) of Pay Matrix by deputation (including short-term contract) in the CGWB, a subordinate organisation under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, DoWR,RD&GR - regarding.26/05/2022
28 Promotion order of Chairman, CGWB07/04/2022
29 Additional charge of the post of Project Director, Atal Bhujal Yojana, CGWB29/03/2022
30 Transfer order of Regional Director (Scientific) in CGWB23/03/2022
31 Transfer order of Shri A.K. Agarwal and Shri Satish Kumar, Regional Directors of CGWB22/02/2022
32 Filling up 03 posts of Member Scientific by deputation in Level -14 in CGWB14/02/2022
33 Filling up 01 post of Chairman by deputation in Level-15 in CGWB14/02/2022
34 Current charge of Chairman, CGWB04/02/2022
35 Office Order regarding promotion of Sh. N. Varadaraj, SE and Sh. Nidhish Verma, SE to the post of Regional Director Engineering, CGWB17/12/2021
36 Transfer Order of Regional Director of CGWB03/12/2021
37 Office Order for Regional Director as Members24/11/2021
39 Filling up one post of Administrator, Group 'A' Gazetted, CGWA in Level-11 of Pay Matrix (pre-revised PB-3 (Rs. 15,600-39,100/-) with GB Rs. 6600/- in the Central Ground Water Authority, a subordinate office of the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Deptt. of Water Resources, RD & GR on deputation /absorption basis15/09/2021
40 Promotion order of the Chairman , CGWB06/08/2021
41 Addendum of promotion order Regional Director CGWB16/07/2021
42 Office Order regarding Dr. P. Nandakumaran05/07/2021
43 Promotion to the Regional Director02/07/2021
44 Filling up of 01(one) post of Project Director (Atal Bhujal Yojna) in Level-14 of Pay Matrix (Rs. 1,44,200 - 2,18,200 as per 7th CPC by deputation (including short-term contract) in the Central Ground Water Board under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation - Extension of Last date of receipt of application - regarding 08/06/2021
45 Comprehensive Review of Central Ground Water Board - Constitution of Committee to review manpower requirement15/04/2021
46 Grant of 3rd financial up-gradation in Level -13 of Pay matrix (in PB-4 Rs. 37400-67000/- with GP of Rs.8700/- pre-revised ) under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPs) to Scientist 'D' of CGWB22/03/2021
47 Filling up the 01(one) post of Director (Administration) in Level-13 of Pay Matrix in the Central Ground Water Board under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation. Draft Advertisement - regarding19/03/2021
48 Grant of Old Pension Scheme in place of New Pension System (NPS) to Smt. Chirashree Mohanty and Dr. Raja Ram Purohit30/09/2020
49 Grant of Old Pension Scheme in place of New Pension System (NPS) to Smt. Chirashree Mohanty and Dr. Raja Ram Purohit30/09/2020
50 Appoint sh. G. L. Meena, Regionol Direclor (Engineering), CGWB as Member Engineering) (Group 'A', Gazetted) in Centrol Ground Woter Board by promotion in Level-1424/09/2020
51 Appoint Sh. Gopal Prasad, Sr. Translator, CGWB as Assistant Director(OL),(Group-A) in the Central Ground Water Board in Level 10 24/09/2020
52 PROMOTION ORDER OF ASSISTANT HYDROLGIST, Group-b as scientist-B( jr hydrogeologist), Group-A IN THE CENTRAL GROUND WATER BOARD IN LEVEL -10 18/09/2020


1 Filling up 01 (one) post of Library and Information Officer, in Level-11 (Rs. 67700-208700) of Pay Matrix, by deputation basis (including short term contract) in the Central Ground Water Board under the Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti -regarding.09/05/2023
2 Filling up of 01 post of Chairman in Level-15 of pay Matrix (Rs. 1,82,200 - 2,24,100 as per 7th CPC) (pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 67000 -79000/- as per 6th CPC) by deputation (including short-term contract) in the Central Ground Water Board, a subordinate Organisation under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation -regarding.07/11/2022
3 Filling up 03 posts of Member Scientific by deputation in Level -14 in CGWB14/02/2022
4 Filling up 01 post of Chairman by deputation in Level-15 in CGWB14/02/2022
5 Filling up one post of Administrator, Group 'A' Gazetted, CGWA in Level-11 of Pay Matrix (pre-revised PB-3 (Rs. 15,600-39,100/-) with GB Rs. 6600/- in the Central Ground Water Authority, a subordinate office of the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Deptt. of Water Resources, RD & GR on deputation /absorption basis15/09/2021
6 Addendum of promotion order Regional Director CGWB16/07/2021
7 Filling up of 01(one) post of Project Director (Atal Bhujal Yojna) in Level-14 of Pay Matrix (Rs. 1,44,200 - 2,18,200 as per 7th CPC by deputation (including short-term contract) in the Central Ground Water Board under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation - Extension of Last date of receipt of application - regarding 08/06/2021
8 Filling up the 01(one) post of Director (Administration) in Level-13 of Pay Matrix in the Central Ground Water Board under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation. Draft Advertisement - regarding19/03/2021


OM/Office Order

1 In-situ promotion to the grade of Scientist 'C' in CGWB.12/01/2024
2 Extension of Additional Charge of the post of Project Director, Atal Bhujal Yojna (ATAL JAL), Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) is entrusted to Shri Pratul Saxena, Regional Director, CGWB for further 6 months w.e.f. 01.08.2023.16/10/2023
3 Appointment of Chairman Central Ground Water Board (CGWB).22/09/2023
4 Additional Charge to the post of Chairman CGWB.31/08/2023
5 Appointment of Shri M.S. Rathore to the post of Regional Director (Engineering) in CGWB.27/07/2023
6 Current charge of the post of Chairman, Central Ground Water Board, to Shri A.K. Agrawal, Member (Scientific), CGWB w.e.f. 01.07.2023.30/06/2023
7 Promotion Order in the grade of Regional Director (Scientific) in the Central Ground Water Board.27/06/2023
8 Extension of Additional Charge to the post of Project Director Atal Bhujal Yojana in respect of Shri Pratul Saxena 10/05/2023
9 Promotion Order of Shri Satish Kumar, Regional Director (Engineering) to the post of Member (Engineering), CGWB02/03/2023
10 Promotion Order to the post of Regional Director (Scientific), CGWB.31/12/2022
11 Promotion Order from Assistant Geophysicists to Scientist 'B' (Geophysics), CGWB.30/12/2022
12 Promotion Order from Assistant Hydrometeorology to Scientist 'B' (Hydrometeorology) ,CGWB.30/12/2022
13 In-situ Promotion from Scientist 'B' to Scientist 'C' i.r.o 59 Scientific Officers in the CGWB.30/12/2022
14 Promotion Order Shri. P.S. Meena, Chief Draftsman, (Group 'B' post) as Artist.01/12/2022
15 Extension of additional charge of the post of Project Director, Atal Bhujal Yojana, CGWB to Shri Pratul Saxena, Regional Director, CGWB.25/08/2022
16 Appointment to the post of regional Director (Scientific) in CGWB in level 13 of pay Matrix as per 7th CPC ,in respect of Shri. G. Krishnamurthy and Shri Nalli Jyothi kumar 05/08/2022
17 in-situ promotion of Scientist C to Scientist D under FCS in the CGWB26/07/2022
18 Appointment of the following Group ‘A’ Scientific officers as Regional Director (Scientific) (Group ‘A’ post) in the Central Ground Water Board in Level -13 of Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC (pre-revised pay scale of PB-4, Rs.37400-67000/- + Grade Pay of Rs.8700/-) for the panel year 2022.08/07/2022
19 Extension of service of Sh. Sunil Kumar, Chairman, CGWB01/07/2022
20 Appointment of Sh. A.P. Singh, Sh. D.C. Tadvi, Sh. Chandrabhan Singh as Superintending Engineer in Level-12 in CGWB28/06/2022
21 Promotion in respect of Sh. A.K. Aggarwal to the post of Member scientific in CGWB in level-14 of Pay matrix 03/06/2022
22 Promotion order of Chairman, CGWB07/04/2022
23 Additional charge of the post of Project Director, Atal Bhujal Yojana, CGWB29/03/2022
24 Transfer order of Regional Director (Scientific) in CGWB23/03/2022
25 Transfer order of Shri A.K. Agarwal and Shri Satish Kumar, Regional Directors of CGWB22/02/2022
26 Current charge of Chairman, CGWB04/02/2022
27 Office Order regarding promotion of Sh. N. Varadaraj, SE and Sh. Nidhish Verma, SE to the post of Regional Director Engineering, CGWB17/12/2021
28 Transfer Order of Regional Director of CGWB03/12/2021
29 Office Order for Regional Director as Members24/11/2021
31 Promotion order of the Chairman , CGWB06/08/2021
32 Office Order regarding Dr. P. Nandakumaran05/07/2021
33 Promotion to the Regional Director02/07/2021
34 Comprehensive Review of Central Ground Water Board - Constitution of Committee to review manpower requirement15/04/2021
35 Grant of 3rd financial up-gradation in Level -13 of Pay matrix (in PB-4 Rs. 37400-67000/- with GP of Rs.8700/- pre-revised ) under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPs) to Scientist 'D' of CGWB22/03/2021
36 Grant of Old Pension Scheme in place of New Pension System (NPS) to Smt. Chirashree Mohanty and Dr. Raja Ram Purohit30/09/2020
37 Grant of Old Pension Scheme in place of New Pension System (NPS) to Smt. Chirashree Mohanty and Dr. Raja Ram Purohit30/09/2020
38 Appoint sh. G. L. Meena, Regionol Direclor (Engineering), CGWB as Member Engineering) (Group 'A', Gazetted) in Centrol Ground Woter Board by promotion in Level-1424/09/2020
39 Appoint Sh. Gopal Prasad, Sr. Translator, CGWB as Assistant Director(OL),(Group-A) in the Central Ground Water Board in Level 10 24/09/2020
40 PROMOTION ORDER OF ASSISTANT HYDROLGIST, Group-b as scientist-B( jr hydrogeologist), Group-A IN THE CENTRAL GROUND WATER BOARD IN LEVEL -10 18/09/2020




1 Promotion Order to the post of Regional Director (Scientific), CGWB.31/12/2022
2 Promotion Order from Assistant Geophysicists to Scientist 'B' (Geophysics), CGWB.30/12/2022
3 Promotion Order from Assistant Hydrometeorology to Scientist 'B' (Hydrometeorology) ,CGWB.30/12/2022
4 In-situ Promotion from Scientist 'B' to Scientist 'C' i.r.o 59 Scientific Officers in the CGWB.30/12/2022
5 Promotion Order Shri. P.S. Meena, Chief Draftsman, (Group 'B' post) as Artist.01/12/2022
6 Filling up of 01 post of Chairman in Level-15 of pay Matrix (Rs. 1,82,200 - 2,24,100 as per 7th CPC) (pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 67000 -79000/- as per 6th CPC) by deputation (including short-term contract) in the Central Ground Water Board, a subordinate Organisation under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation -regarding.07/11/2022
7 Promotion order i.r.o. Dr. Anadi Gayen as Regional Director(Scientific)23/09/2022
8 Extension of additional charge of the post of Project Director, Atal Bhujal Yojana, CGWB to Shri Pratul Saxena, Regional Director, CGWB.25/08/2022
9 Appointment to the post of regional Director (Scientific) in CGWB in level 13 of pay Matrix as per 7th CPC ,in respect of Shri. G. Krishnamurthy and Shri Nalli Jyothi kumar 05/08/2022
10 Office Order for Regional Director as Members24/11/2021
12 Filling up one post of Administrator, Group 'A' Gazetted, CGWA in Level-11 of Pay Matrix (pre-revised PB-3 (Rs. 15,600-39,100/-) with GB Rs. 6600/- in the Central Ground Water Authority, a subordinate office of the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Deptt. of Water Resources, RD & GR on deputation /absorption basis15/09/2021
13 Filling up of 01(one) post of Project Director (Atal Bhujal Yojna) in Level-14 of Pay Matrix (Rs. 1,44,200 - 2,18,200 as per 7th CPC by deputation (including short-term contract) in the Central Ground Water Board under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation - Extension of Last date of receipt of application - regarding 08/06/2021
14 Grant of 3rd financial up-gradation in Level -13 of Pay matrix (in PB-4 Rs. 37400-67000/- with GP of Rs.8700/- pre-revised ) under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPs) to Scientist 'D' of CGWB22/03/2021
15 Filling up the 01(one) post of Director (Administration) in Level-13 of Pay Matrix in the Central Ground Water Board under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation. Draft Advertisement - regarding19/03/2021